- #Fetisch
A thematic evening, a grandiose decor, lovely stories of love or friendship, smiles and
laughter… A unique atmosphere quite far from clichés!
The LIM was born in December 2007 at the initiative of Mylène, Doctor in medicine in her “real life”, she organized monthly evenings in her apartment that she shared with her best friends Nicolas, Thomas, Gianluca, Hubert et Aaron. At the beginning, it was a question of inviting a small circle of friends, most of them gays, and allowing the friends of friends to meet in a festive and friendly atmosphere, but soon the success was at the rendezvous and so were the troubles with the neighbours! Abendk
It was time for Mylène and her friends to organize collectively and move the evening in a more spacious place, without losing any of its good-natured charm. The first LIM was opened to the public in December 2008 in Tea Dance format on Sunday, in a bar on rue Saint Sauveur. Word of mouth continued to go on and the LIM had to change places regularly to adapt to the constraints of exponential growth. It is at Les Planches that the collective LIM has finally set its sights, its different spaces and its configuration approaching that of an apartment and thus keeping the “LIM” spirit.
Thanks to its success and experience, the team has grown considerably, which has resulted in the emergence of a new club-oriented evening one Saturday each month: the “Doctor Love”, an evening now as expected as the Tea Dance thanks to a strong concept, a grandiose decoration and a theme constantly being renewed!
Nous y sommes, la soirée de clôture de la saison Doctor Love aura lieu le 6 juillet avant que tout le monde ne s’éparpille en France et dans le monde pour profiter du soleil d’été, on vous vous propose pour cette dernière un ambiance estivale propice aux amours d’été et aux rencontres fortuites qui rendent la vie plus belle! California Boys, Beach & Cocotiers
╱╲╱╲ DOCTOR LOVE ╱╲╱╲
Une soirée thématique, un décor grandiose, de jolies histoires d’amour ou d’amitié, des sourires et des rires…Une atmosphère unique à Paris et loin des clichés!
╱╲╱╲ MUSIQUE ╱╲╱╲
POP, CLUB CLASSICS, HOUSE, RNB, REMIX (limité)… Frais & Dansant
╱╲╱╲ INFOS ╱╲╱╲
Bar / Élixirs de joie toujours servis généreusement!
23h30 – 6h00 Tarif unique 20€ + Conso
Hotline & Table Service 0648168500