- #Fetisch
Moonlight Rollerdisco is one of these crazy dream one has as people who work in clubs: A rollerskate disco, in queer, for everybody. Guess what! We’re doing exactly that! In January for the fourth time already. With great music, fabulous drinks and in front of the most gorgeous bar in town.
Hosted by the folks from FRIES and Rollerfusionclub this will be special because they’ve known how to make it special for quite some time.
You can bring your own Rollerskates or rent them for the night from us. Let’s roll!
The entrance fee for GAGA is included in your MOONLIGHT-ticket.
Drinks and Tunes on Rollerskates
Hosted by Rollerfusion Club + FRIES
RollerDisco: Tannhäuser, Daniel Wang, Regina Phalange
Soul Train MC: Oumi Di – Roller Fusion Club